(other) porno-critical works smoothly read as “feminist,” while (her) work sits in a more uncomfortable—perhaps more honest—contemporary truth about the place of women in the art world.”
If you're not familiar with ONA's music, buckle up...The song cooks and its uptempo, driving indie rock showcases promise that goes beyond her traditional modeling.
Pure Volume
There are few singers and artists who are so unique, so individual, so highly talented that they’re known by just one name. Beyonce. Picasso. Madonna. Prince. Perhaps it’s time you add another name to that list: Ona. She’s both a singer and an artist. And as you’ll see on her Instagram or hear from her songs on Spotify, she’s a singular talent. So, let’s start your weekend off right: do yourself a solid and enjoy the undeniable sexiness of her one woman self-made photoshoot.
Beautifully orchestrated, featuring melodic piano lines, ferocious crashing high-hat drums, and most notably Ona’s gorgeous, breathy alto vocals...one of the better tracks I’ve heard in a while...this record will undoubtedly be making our year end list.
A resonant voice in the new feminist art wave, (her) work often triumphs sex positivity by reframing the power dynamic between model and photographer and challenging the notion that provocative imagery is less than art
A Woman's Thing
Best song title ever.
Jerry Saltz